Helena Radlińska (1879–1954) and Her Historical Generation – an Introduction to the Issues





Helena Radlińska, historical generation, source material, world humanities


The article presents the subject matter of the articles that make up the fifteenth issue of “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies,” which is devoted to a reflection on Helena Radlińska’s work and her numerous fields of activity. The concept that binds the articles presented in the issue is the category of a “historical generation.” The authors, inspired by the achievements of the creator of social pedagogy, use source texts and introduce new interpretations using the achievements of world humanities.

Author Biographies

Izabela Kamińska-Jatczak, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Izabela Kamińska-Jatczak – social pedagogue, doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, assistant professor at the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Rehabilitation at the University of Lodz. Her research interests concern: analysis of activity in the field of social work, family social work, biographical and historical contexts of social pedagogy, methodology of interpretative research and participatory research. The author of the book: Aktywność asystentów rodziny. Analiza narracji w ujęciu transwersalnym [The Activity of Child Protection Workers. Analysis of Narratives in a Transversal Approach (2021).

Joanna Sosnowska, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Joanna Sosnowska – historian of education, habilitated doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, university professor employed at the Department of History of Education and Pedeutology at the University of Lodz. Her research interests concern: the history of childcare and the history of Lodz in terms of social welfare: before 1914, in the years 1914–1918, and in the interwar period in Poland. Recently, she published Opieka nad dzieckiem w Polsce międzywojennej. Robotnicze Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci – Oddział Łódzki (1923–1939) [Childcare in Interwar Poland. Workers’ Society of Children’s Friends – Lodz Division (1923–1939)] (2020), Z dziejów opieki społecznej w Polsce międzywojennej. Półkolonie letnie w Łodzi [From the History of Social Welfare in Interwar Poland. Summer Day Camps in Lodz] (2018).


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How to Cite

Kamińska-Jatczak, I., & Sosnowska, J. (2022). Helena Radlińska (1879–1954) and Her Historical Generation – an Introduction to the Issues. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 15(2), 8–14. https://doi.org/10.18778/2450-4491.15.01