Deegoization as the Aim of Education – the Soul Paradigm




deegoization, soul perspective, education, Kurt Danziger, James Hillman


The article focuses on man understood as a being that exists in the imaginary order and displays the ability to create images. One of the these images is the ego construct which will be revisioned in the perspective of the critical psychology of Kurt Danziger and the imaginal psychology/soul paradigm (soul movement) of James Hillman. The critical analysis points out a specific reduction of human nature and human history in contemporary psychology to the history of “self” and domination of “ego”. The conception of Hillman, by contrast, is characterized by the mission for deegoization, therefore strips the power away from this fictitious concept in favor of a realistically existing soul which not only can exceed the ego, but also a personality, or even the whole human being because it contains a variety of images. Hillman believes, following Plato, in the existence of anima mundi, an ensouled world, which is wide and more primal than the ego, but also a human soul, because the soul is a part of it. In accordance with this perspective, the role of a parent and teacher in the process of education is deegoization as a condition for the soul-making of a child.

Author Biographies

Andrzej Pankalla, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie

Pankalla, Andrzej – habilitated doctor, professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw at the Institute of Psychology, head of the Centre for Anthropological Psychology. He specializes in the history of psychology, cultural psychology and psychology of religion. He is the organizer of psychocultural research expeditions (Ecuador, Guatemala, Buryatia, various African countries, etc.). Recently, he published (as a co-author) Indygeniczna psychologia Słowian (The indigenous psychology of the Slavians) (2018).

Aleksandra Kilian, Fundacja Arbor Mundi

Kilian, Aleksandra – M.A., graduate in psychology from the University of East London in the United Kingdom. Currently the director of the First Step Academy School in Wrocław. Co-author of the book Psychescapes – tożsamość naszych czasów? (Psychescapes – the Identity of our Times?) (2007) and the author of scientific articles on psychoculture.


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How to Cite

Pankalla, A., & Kilian, A. (2021). Deegoization as the Aim of Education – the Soul Paradigm. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 12(1), 230–243.