About the need to respect constitutional norms in the absence of intertemporal provisions
intertemporal provisions, protection of acquired rights and pending interests, principle of trust, amortizationAbstract
Frequent changes in tax regulations cause destabilization of established and formed legal relations. Guided by constitutional norms, the legislator should create such rules for introducing changes in tax laws so that taxpayers are not surprised by them and that they are ensured to act in confidence in the state and the law. The risk of violation of this principle should be reduced by introducing intertemporal rules when the legal situation changes, and the negative effects of changes must be offset by the protection of acquired rights and pending interests and legitimate expectations. The absence of such rules does not justify tax authorities and courts in ignoring previously issued interpretations and well-established interpretation and practice. Therefore, while fully respecting the principles of legality, equality and universality of taxation, tax authorities should be guided by the principle of trust in such legal loopholes.
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- 2023-06-22 (2)
- 2023-05-30 (1)
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