Koegzystencja i rywalizacja – zabytkowe świątynie w przestrzeni miejskiej współczesnej Łodzi
The old Lodz of the turn of the 19th century was a city of many religious denominations and cultures, a city of cohabitation of the catholic, protestant, orthodox and mosaic residents. Each denomination marked its existence in city's life by erection of the religious buildings designed in forms specific for each tradition. Thus a form of rivalry between various religious groups was visible. This old-fashioned multinational Lodz with many religions is now a feature of the past. World War I, restoration of the independent Poland and, in particular, tragic consequences of the World War II, turned Lodz (as the whole country) into an almost mono-national entity. Other religious groups now have a marginal character only. Nevertheless, thanks to their preserved temples, they keep reminding about their long-gone role. That is why the buildings play an important role in the townscape. For the modern city they are the the reference to its roots. Some historic churches have been taken by new believers, who share the maintenance care with the former users. A nice example of cooperation in this field is the renovation of the former Lutheran Church of St John, now the Sacre Coeur Church of the Jesuits.
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