Seeking the Researcher’s Identity in the Context of Ethnographic Study of Emotions in Teachers’ Work




ethnography, identity of researcher’s, access to data, school, teacher


The aim of the article is to present the methodological difficulties and problems that I encountered as a researcher conducting field research on emotions in teachers’ professional work, in the context of two issues, i.e. access to data and researcher’s search for identity. The analysis was limited to the difficulties associated with the selection of the research area, problems with entering the research area and obtaining access to data and reflections on the conscious hiding of the researcher’s identity. The ethnographic studies described concerned emotions in teachers’ professional work. I assumed that only the interpretation paradigm would give me the basics to understand the process of managing emotions and let me see the emotions, including their sources, present in the teacher’s work. The reflections in the article are the result of: 1) multiple observations and participant observations conducted by the author in 2008-2016 at primary and junior high schools from the Łódź agglomeration; 2) analyzes of unstructured and structured interviews conducted by the author with current teachers, retired teachers, parents, principals and other school employees; 3) unstructured research talks with the respondents, 4) analyzes of existing documents and websites. The selection of the researcher’s identity is determined by the research area. In the study of educational institutions, revealing the identity of the researcher enables wider access to data.


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Author Biography

Beata Pawłowska, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Socjologii, Katedra Socjologii Organizacji i Zarządzania, ul. Rewolucji 1905 roku 41/43, 90-214 Łódź

Beata Pawłowska, doktor habilitowany nauk humanistycznych w zakresie socjologii. Absolwentka socjologii i psychologii (specjalizacja zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi). Pracownik Katedry Socjologii Organizacji i Zarządzania IS UŁ. Badacz kultury organizacyjnej oraz obecnie zachowań emocjonalnych w środowisku pracy. Członek wielu zespołów badawczych. Wykładowca studiów podyplomowych między innymi z zakresu coachingu, mentoringu i consultingu personalnego oraz metod wspierania rozwoju kompetencji społecznych, ZZL i public relations. Kierownik studiów podyplomowych „Skuteczny Kierownik Sektora Publicznego”. Zainteresowania badawcze koncentruje na problematyce emocji w środowisku pracy, w tym w środowisku edukacyjnym.


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How to Cite

Pawłowska, B. (2019). Seeking the Researcher’s Identity in the Context of Ethnographic Study of Emotions in Teachers’ Work. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 15(1), 154–177.