Emotions of Medical Personnel versus the Status and Power at Work in Hospital Wards





emotions, work, pride, status, power, Theodore Kemper, medical personnel, hospital


The hospital is characterized by one of the most formalized structures with a strict division of tasks and responsibilities. An essential element of any formal organization is the system of authorities and power. There is a hierarchy and a system of power between hospital departments and within each of them. This hierarchy structure overlaps with the level of power and status felt and perceived by each employee, which implies the emergence of specific emotions. They influence interactions, shaping their course. When describing emotions in the context of power and status, I will refer to Theodore Kemper’s concept that interactions and changes in the relative power and status (prestige) of individuals have an impact on arousing both negative and positive emotions. The aim of this article is to show how an individually-determined level of power and status can shape relations between employees, their methods of communication, and emotions in the workplace. The paper answers the question of whether and how having and/or feeling a certain status and level of power implies the emergence of certain emotions. It is important to reveal those activities and interactions which, as a result of a specific position in the hospital structure, shape and modify the emotions of medical personnel. All the considerations are based on ethnographic qualitative research conducted in three hospital departments, differing in terms of the nature of work in the department and the type of patients treated in each of them. The article describes three of the distinguished categories, i.e. “disrespect game,” ”holding emotions,” and pride. In the course of the analyses, it was found that hierarchy and a specific level of power implies the appearance of emotions of pride, satisfaction, and contentment, as well as it leads to an increase in the level of trust between members of medical personnel. Pride results from belonging to a specific profession and a specific group of employees, and it appears as the consequence of a well-conducted procedure or performance of a difficult activity that took time to master. Pride also emerges as a result of the prestige of the profession or workplace (hospital, ward).


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Author Biography

Beata Pawłowska, University of Lodz, Poland

Beata Pawłowska, an Associate Professor in the field of sociology. A sociology and psychology graduate (specializing in Human Resources Management [HRM]). She works at the Department of Sociology of Organization and Management, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz. A researcher of organizational culture, currently focused on emotional behavior(s) within professional contexts. She is a member of many research teams and a post-graduate Lecturer in coaching, HRM, and public relations. Head of post-graduate studies ‘Effective Public Sector Manager’. She is particularly interested in issues regarding emotions in the work environment, including educational environment. She has authored several books, e.g. Network marketing. Kulturowe i osobowościowe wyznaczniki uczestnictwa w Amway [Network Marketing: Cultural and Personality Determinants of Participation in Amway] (2011, University of Lodz Press, ISBN: 978-83-7525-600-0) and Emocje społeczne w pracy nauczyciela i przedstawiciela handlowego [Social Emotions in the Work of Teachers and Salespeople] (2013, University of Lodz Press, ISBN: 978-83-7525-312-2).


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How to Cite

Pawłowska, B. (2021). Emotions of Medical Personnel versus the Status and Power at Work in Hospital Wards. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 17(4), 68–87. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8069.17.4.04


