
Humans are creatures that sew and wear clothing. What most clearly distinguishes humans from other animals is not language or the possession of culture, as long assumed, but rather the fact that we are the only species on earth that covers our bodies with clothes. Clothing has characterized, united, and differentiated humanity for thousands of years.

The aim of the proposed issue of “Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej” is to reflect on the social and cultural significance of clothing and fashion, as well as to analyze contemporary research methods used to fashion and its contexts. We aim to explore how "clothing," "dressing," and "fashion" can be subjects of interest for disciplines such as sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, and anthropology. The proposed volume may draw inspiration from the works of classic figures in these fields (e.g., Simmel, Barthes, and Goffman), as well as from the latest phenomena in the fashion world, such as he activities of influencers and fashionistas on social media or the promotion of DIY sewing and clothing recycling.

We invite Authors to explore questions about the social functions of clothing, its role as a form of communication, what fashion is, and how the fashion market operates. We are also interested in lifestyle (both contemporary and historical) and how it is reflected in specific fashion trends. Another intriguing topic is the mutual relationship between fashion and media. Clothing can serve as a unique medium, conveying explicit messages through ornaments and symbols. Additionally, we want to examine the clothing design process, particularly when it involves collaboration between consumers, designers, and producers (participatory design).

Submitted articles should provide examples of qualitative analyses and draw on  the research achievements in qualitative sociology, visual anthropology, and techniques such as discourse analysis, storytelling, or digital humanities methods. Texts in the interpretive paradigm and symbolic interactionism convention are especially welcome.

We suggest exploring the following thematic areas, among others: historical contexts of clothing; cultural significance of clothing; dressing as a form of communication; globalization of fashion; modifications in clothing based on gender and age; fashion in social media; the role of fashion in the perception of experts—designers from various generations; co-creation in the fashion industry; the dark side of fashion; and the future of fashion—concepts of sustainable development.

Please prepare your articles following the journal's requirements on the website: and submit them to  by January 31, 2025.

Editors of the issue: Prof. Aldona Guzik, Dr. Kalina Kukiełko, Prof. Paulina Rojek-Adamek.

Submission languages: Polish, English.

The issue is scheduled for publication in the first quarter of 2026.

Publication of submitted texts will be possible only after a positive review process.