The occupational therapist and his role in the work with persons with disability, threatened with the social exclusion


  • Edyta Janus Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie, Wydział Rehabilitacji Ruchowej, Katedra Terapii Zajęciowej



professionalization, profession, occupational therapy, social exclusion, disability


Occupational therapy is a form of rehabilitation, which since recently was not recognized as the vital subject of the social discourse. This is due to the fact that for many decades in Poland this discipline was stagnating, and the tasks therapists were usually identified with art therapy. However, for a few years one can see slow changes in occupational therapy. One of them is the education of occupational therapists at an academic level, which can contribute to the acknowledgment of the potential of occupational therapy. One of the group to which occupational therapists can direct their actions are people with disabilities, which in particular are at risk of social exclusion.
This paper presents the current understanding of occupational therapy in Poland and in the world. The text describes the changes taking place in the area of training therapists in Poland and indicate what actions focused on combating social exclusion of people with disabilities can make occupational therapists as part of their professional role.


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How to Cite

Janus, E. (2017). The occupational therapist and his role in the work with persons with disability, threatened with the social exclusion. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (60), 57–67.