Love in the Raw: the Language of Gay and Bisexual Porn Actors’ Biographies on Pornographic Websites




actor, biography, discourse, film, Internet, love, persuasion, pornography, pragmatics, variety


Various manifestations of love are well and truly widespread today on thematic websites which seem to have become essential for effective marketing strategies. Among such web pages, there are very specific portals, namely pages of pornographic content where one can very easily have access to countless photos and videos allowing users to satisfy their appetites. Our analysis is based on a corpus for which we have obtained and examined variational non-standard diastratic material, that is to say, one hundred erotic biographies of homo- and bisexual X-rated actors gathered on the French-speaking site: The objective of our study is to see more closely how the contemporary French language, and more precisely its linguistic variety linked to the social implantation of users, speaks of physical love during a time of obsession with body image, reinforced by new technologies.


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Author Biography

Mateusz Białas, Université de Białystok

Mateusz Białas – interprète de conférence, professeur agrégé d’anglais et de français, docteur en linguistique théorique, descriptive et automatique de l’Université Paris 7 et en linguistique générale de l’Université de Varsovie, est spécialiste de sociolinguistique des pratiques langagières. Ses centres d’intérêt aussi bien que ses activités de recherche se focalisent par-dessus tout sur les domaines de la pragmatique, de la rhétorique, de l’émotion, de l’identité et du corps dans les sciences du langage.


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How to Cite

Białas, M. (2021). Love in the Raw: the Language of Gay and Bisexual Porn Actors’ Biographies on Pornographic Websites. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, (16), 141–148.

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