The Lexical Field of Love in Hungarian Youth Slang




love, lexical field, slang, youth


Our research focuses on the analysis of the lexical field of love in Hungarian youth slang. The point of departure of our research is Dávid Szabó’s doctoral thesis entitled L’argot des étudiants budapestois (The youth slang of Budapest), published in 2004, which contains in an appendix a Hungarian-French bilingual dictionary of youth slang. Based on Szabó’s research and dictionary, our online questionnaire study had three main objectives: 1) verify the frequency of use of words and expressions related to the lexical field of love and present in Szabó’s dictionary, 2) collect a new corpus composed of words and expressions presenting the actual usage, 3) analyse some communicative situations in which those words and expressions are used. Our article drew the conclusion that Hungarian youth slang both does and does not change. Nearly twenty years after Szabó’s research, there are of course new expressions used by young Hungarians, but the various mechanisms governing word formation in Hungarian youth slang remain the same.


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Author Biography

Máté Kovács, Université Eötvös Loránd de Budapest

MátéKovács – linguiste, docteur en sciences du langage et maître-assistant au Département d’Études Françaises de l’Université Eötvös Loránd de Budapest. Ses domaines de recherche sont l’analyse du discours, la sociolinguistique, en particulier les variétés de langue non standard, la didactique et la traduction. Il est secrétaire de l’Association Hongroise des Enseignants de Français et membre de l’Association Hongroise des Linguistes Appliqués et des Professeurs de Langue.


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How to Cite

Kovács, M. (2021). The Lexical Field of Love in Hungarian Youth Slang. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, (16), 105–117.