Regarding Some Proverbs that Praise Women
proverb (s), paremiology, lexicography, woman, feminismAbstract
The proverb reflects social realities and popular beliefs. It can be considered within the framework of a comparative paremiology, so that we undertake this study as a contribution to the French- Spanish-Galician phraseological dictionary. We have resorted to whole paroemias in the French languages, belonging to different times and without the limitation of an Eurocentric perspective, basing ourselves on this Francophone culture, as a linguistic, cultural and sociological ensemble of the Francophonie. This field of work has been restricted to proverbs relating in some way to love, in the broad sense, associated with the female figure, as a source of fulfilment, of discernment, of opulence, in her role as irreplaceable mother or as an equal to the man. It is only a question of those which praise or transmit a positive aspect of women, at least in one of their possible interpretations, unlike the others, much more usual and numerous, which offer a negative image.
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