Love in French and in Polish – a Cognitive Study
cognitive semantics, love, Idealized Cognitive Models (ICMs), metaphor, metonymyAbstract
The description of the conceptualization of the notion of love is based on the analysis of the Polish and French proverbs and quotes. The linguistic cognitive method applied is based on establishing Idealized Cognitive Models (ICMs), i.e. metaphors and conceptual metonymies. The following six types of source domains grouping individual ICMs have been identified: a person; an abstract notion; an object, a living organism; a cosmogonic universal; and a cultural universal. ICMs have also been assigned to individual types of semantic universals. People comprehend love in terms of diversified categories: both axiological ones as well as physical reactions. Most ICMs occur in both languages. Poles describe love by means of all types of semantic universals, while Frenchmen, more frequently than us Poles, comprehend this emotion in terms of cultural universals. Conceptual paradigms construct in some cases such structures in which more detailed models are assigned to general, generic ICMs.
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