The Theory and Practice of Teaching the Phraseology of the Lexicon of Affects in French as a Foreign Language
phraseology, lexicon of feeling, didactics of French as a foreign languageAbstract
This article is situated in the perspective of a new lexical approach to French as a foreign language dealing with emotions and feelings. More specifically, we will address the issue of teaching phraseology in the context of FLE, particularly phraseology related to feelings. Two main branches of research in linguistics situate the work to which we refer: on the one hand – lexicology from the point of view of the combinatorics of lexical units, and on the other hand – construction grammar. Both branches have in common paying particular attention to phraseological units. To do this, we begin with a terminological and methodological overview of phraseological units. We then present Novakova’s functional model, which we will try to apply to the lexicon of commercial transactions. Finally, we will return to the didactic approach proposed by Cavalla and Labre (2009), and we will illustrate the phraseology of the lexicon in terms of commercial transactions.
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