Does standard interpretation exist? Empirical verification of selected assumptions of communicational grammar




standard interpretation, cognitive pattern, communicational grammar, valuation


The article poses a major study question: “Does standard interpretation exist?” In the methodology of communicational grammar, to which the author refers, standard interpretation is defined as a generalised pattern of the analysis of a communication by a virtual recipient, which consists of constructing basic, mutually cooperating elements of meaning. An empirical test was applied to the assumption that, despite the fact that the reception of a communication is a subjective process, its course is to some extent pre-determined, since a recipient, at certain stages of interpretation, progresses through specific standard references, common for most speakers of a language, while the later subjective extension of the interpretation will not contradict those standards. The article presents the results, the aims, methods, and the results of a survey study conducted to verify the assumption about the existence of a standard interpretation, one of the major assumptions of communicational grammar being developed by A. Awdiejew and G. Habrajska.


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Author Biography

Anita Filipczak-Białkowska, Ph.D., University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Chair of Journalism and Social Communication

Anita Filipczak-Białkowska – holds a Ph.D. in linguistics. She works at the Department of Communication Practices, Chair of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Lodz. Her doctoral dissertation was entitled Manifestowanie orientacji ideologicznej w dyskursie politycznym. Her academic focus is communication science, with particular consideration of linguistic and psychological perspectives. She specialises in the problems of exerting influence on people in various types of discourses.


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How to Cite

Filipczak-Białkowska, A. (2020). Does standard interpretation exist? Empirical verification of selected assumptions of communicational grammar. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 58(3), 171–197.