The historiosophy of hecatomb. Notes to Norwid’s Cleopatra and Caesar


  • Mateusz Grabowski Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Katedra Literatury i Tradycji Romantyzmu image/svg+xml



tragedy, fate, historiosophy, Christianity, sacrum, blood


The main problem which is analyzed in the article is how Norwid presents the clash of two civilizations – ancient Egypt and Rome. In Norwid’s tragedy the death of culture is preceded by the death of transcendence – communities which have lost contact with the sacrum are sentencing themselves to a slow atrophy, which shall result in the collapse of civilizations. The hecatomb in Norwid’s tragedy is evoked by a series of symbols and gestures. The characters of the drama, who represent both great ancient nations, become aware by looking into the empty sky that their time is coming to the end, their life is only a part of tragic and historic fate. However, their death belongs with the Hegelian idea of the development of the spirit in history – ancient world needs to be destroyed so that Christianity could take its place.


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How to Cite

Grabowski, M. (2015). The historiosophy of hecatomb. Notes to Norwid’s Cleopatra and Caesar. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 27(1), 79–91.


