Speech of a 80‑year‑old patient with sensory‑motor aphasia – case study
sensory‑motor aphasia, speech, linguistic communicationAbstract
This article is devoted to the case study of a 80‑year‑old patient with sensory‑motor aphasia. The main objectives of the discussion were: presentation of detailed results of qualitative research on linguistic communication, diagnosis of speech disorders and proposing examples of exercises useful for patient therapy. This text consists of a theoretical part in which the author describes the disorder that is the subject of the study and the methodological part presenting the method, technique, and research tools. During the study, authors used questionnaires for interview and observation as well as part of diagnostic test of Jadwiga Szumska’s aphasia study (1980). A detailed description of the study was then presented and a speech diagnosis was made. Considering the communication possibilities and personal interests, an appropriate therapeutic program was proposed.
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