Dismediality of the Lips in Children’s Productions of Polish Dentalised Phonemes





dentalized phonemes, articulatory asymmetry of lips, computer-aided lip movement assessment


The article presents research on the dismedial operation of the lips during the realization of dentalised phonemes The introduction includes considerations regarding the undesirable phonetic feature which is the dismediality of lips understood as an off‑centre position of the organ. The main part of the article contains quantitative information on the occurrence of this feature in the sound realisations of the analysed phonemes and the description of the study on computer‑aided lip movement assessment in video data using artificial intelligence to objectify speech diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Trzaskalik, J., Sage, A., & Kręcichwost, M. (2024). Dismediality of the Lips in Children’s Productions of Polish Dentalised Phonemes. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (10), 51–68. https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.10.04

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