About new and updated values in the Russian language


  • Ольга Кальнова Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education




new words, actualization, actualized vocabulary, euphemism, euphemistic function, metaphoricalness, lexical syntagmatics


A distinctive feature of the processes occurring today in the lexical-semantic system is their dynamism. We often observe how a new word or a new meaning is born, the word is changed or neutralized by its stylistic marking. The condition for the appearance and consolidation of a new or actualized value is the relevance of the notion and the regular frequency in the media. The notion of “actualized word” corresponds to different lexemes that functioned in the language before, but underwent various kinds of changes of semantic, stylistic, comprehensible, evaluative nature. Some words known in the Russian language – дочка, летальный, чистый are frequent in social and political discourse, develop a new compatibility, which leads to the consolidation of a new meaning. This process can be accompanied by changes in the stylistic marking of the word, most often expressed in neutralizing of its colloquial and, more rarely, book coloring.


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How to Cite

Кальнова, О. (2017). About new and updated values in the Russian language. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (14), 91–97. https://doi.org/10.18778/1731-8025.14.10