Language game in the pedagogical speech: linguoecological aspect
language game, language game types, pedagogical speech, linguoecology, linguistic ecology, comic, irony, antiphrasisAbstract
The article provides an overview of the concept of language game. The linguistic language game in the speech of the teacher was studied with the help of a three-year sociolinguistic experiment with the use of dictaphone records, the method of included observation and questioning, which covered about 1,700 informers. The author examined the language game in the speech of the teacher from the position of linguoecology, developed the criteria for determining the linguoecological / non-linguistic nature of the result of the language game. In the article, all the level types of language games are consistently characterized, considering the sign of the linguoecological / non-linguoecological character of the evaluative statements of the teacher. It is shown that the language game is an effective way to create an atmosphere of creativity and cooperation in the class. It is determined that among the comic techniques the most linguoecological is antiphrasis. It is revealed that many methods of language play violate the linguoecological nature of speech, if the game vector is aimed at discrediting the learner, the statement is permeated with self-abasement or contains invectives «softened» by the language game method.
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