Comparative Study of Language Proficiency Tests in their Listening Comprehension Part (Level B1)




Polish as a foreign language, listening comprehension, competence tests


The subject matter of the description and analyses in this article is the testing of listening comprehension proficiency as a part of standardized proficiency tests whose function is to determine and evaluate the language skills of an examinee with respect to a specific level. The primary reference point is the correctness criteria, especially construct validity, which is nowadays defined as compliance with the updated descriptor scales specified in the augmented version of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Companion Volume with New Descriptors (CEFR_CV 2020). The analysis focuses on tests at the threshold level – B1. The testing methods, the texts used, as well as the structure of the examinations devised to assess the comprehension of spoken Polish are compared with certificate tests used in the teaching of English, German, and Spanish as foreign languages. Such reference to achievements in the testing of proficiency of languages of global reach makes it possible to formulate conclusions on prospects and opportunities for improvement in the testing of the listening comprehension part of examinations in Polish as a foreign language (PFL). Results of the analysis suggest enhancing PFL tests by including more short texts representing a greater diversity of genres, such as conversation excerpts (e.g., formal, casual, or family talk), announcements, commercials, clips of television shows, etc. This would afford a more efficient use of the examination formula and a more relevant evaluation of the skills enabling the learner to perform as a listener in a variety of communication situations. The application part of the article offers examples of proposed test units.


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How to Cite

Prizel-Kania, A. (2022). Comparative Study of Language Proficiency Tests in their Listening Comprehension Part (Level B1). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 29, 261–278.