Running a Business in a Franchising Chain as an Example of Entrepreneurship Development in the Era of Globalization


  • Milena Keskin Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny, Katedra Ekonomii Przemysłu i Rynku Kapitałowego



own business, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship development, globalization


Today’s society shows a high level of entrepreneurship; governments support entrepreneurial attitudes and encourage citizens to run their own businesses. However, in a globalized and highly competitive world, potential entrepreneurs face many difficulties in opening and running their own enterprise. Franchising is a suitable tool which facilitates running a business, which has a positive influence on the development of entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Keskin, M. (2017). Running a Business in a Franchising Chain as an Example of Entrepreneurship Development in the Era of Globalization. Ekonomia Międzynarodowa (International Economics), (18), 64–78.


