The Economic Position of Central-Eastern European Cities Against the Background of the World


  • Piotr Raźniak Instytut Geografii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie image/svg+xml
  • Dariusz Nowotnik Pedagogical University of Kraków image/svg+xml



ranking, Forbes, Central and Eastern Europe, city


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the revenue, profit, market value, assets, location of headquarters and sectors of industry of the largest companies on the Forbes Global 2000 list for the years 2006 and 2012. A normalization index based on maximum values was used to rank cities with at least one corporate headquarters of a company found on the Forbes Global 2000 list. The highest values were calculated for Tokyo, New York, London, Paris, and Beijing. The highest rates of growth were noted for cities in Asia, with Beijing being the fastest growing city in this respect. On the other hand, cities in the United States did not advance very much with respect to Tokyo, and many tended to decline. Moscow was the only city in Central and Eastern Europe to join the list of the most important cities in the world. Other cities in the region are ranked rather low. However, cities in Central and Eastern Europe are advancing in the rankings and may join the list of leading cities in the world in the near future. Research has also shown that a city’s rank in its region tends to be lower than the magnitude of its international linkages.


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How to Cite

Raźniak, P., & Nowotnik, D. (2015). The Economic Position of Central-Eastern European Cities Against the Background of the World. Ekonomia Międzynarodowa (International Economics), (9), 23–39.


