Managing time and world in Wiesław Myśliwski’s novel “Kamień na kamieniu”
worldliness, convenience, surface, intoxication, temporality, celebrationAbstract
The article on “Kamień na kamieniu” is an attempt to look at the philosophical aspects of the novel by Wiesław Myśliwski through oppositions such as sur-face/depth or weak/strong, locating the longing of the main character of the novel on the side of the superficial and worldly, while pointing out his religious yearning for a profound aspect of his existence, which, according to the interpretation suggested in the article, is also located within the superficial. The article is intended to present “Kamień na kamieniu” as a novel about a good “host” in the world by demonstrating the dialectic between the brothers Szymon Pietruszka and Michał.
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