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On one reading of the Song of Solomon




postcolonial studies, Flying Africans, Toni Morrison, nostalgia, homegoing


Subject to analysis in this article will be two related texts: the novel Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, published in 1977, and Ewa Łuczak’s article devoted thereto, entitled Homecoming in „Song of Solomon”: Nostalgia and the Construction of Identity. I would like to partially focus on examining Łuczak’s text, for whom political and social contexts depicted in the novel are the point of departure. Łuczak analyses the Song of Solomon in view of the ‘discourse of home’ present in Morrison’s work, and through the category of nostalgia. In my article, I would like to draw attention to other possible interpretations of the Nobel Prize winner’s text, thus complementing the interpretation offered by Ewa Łuczak by introducing new contexts.

I propose to replace the category of nostalgia by interpreting the Song of Solomon in the light of one of the most important myths of the African diaspora, around which the entire novel is structured – the myth of the Flying Africans. Łuczak notes this myth in just one sentence. Although this article contains some grounds for a polemic, I would like it to be, above all, an interesting starting point for a broader discussion of the cultural hegemony of Western readings of postcolonial literary texts.


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Author Biography

Elżbieta Binczycka-Gacek, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Elżbieta Binczycka-Gacek, dr, kulturoznawczyni. Absolwentka religioznawstwa i komparatystyki literackiej – ukończyła studia magisterskie oraz licencjackie w obu dyscyplinach. Specjalizuje się w studiach nad mitem, postkolonialnych badaniach komparatystycznych i black studies. Najważniejsze jej publikacje to: Latające statki i podwodne plemiona – afrofuturystyczne konteksty mitu Flying Africans („Przegląd Kulturoznawczy” 2021, nr 3 (49), s. 511–524); Animist realism. Współczesne mitoznawstwo a komparatystyka literacka („Rocznik Komparatystyczny” 2017, nr 7, s. 103–115).


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How to Cite

Binczycka-Gacek, E. (2023). On one reading of the Song of Solomon. Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, (12), 171–185.



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