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Modern Attempts to Rehabilitate Socrates’ Wife by Christoph Martin Wieland, Eduard Zeller, and in the Apology of Xanthippe by Stefan Pawlicki and in the Apology of Xanthippe by Ludwik Hieronim Morstin




Xanthippe, wife, defence, Socrates, husband, Wieland, Zeller, Pawlicki, Morstin


The aim of the article is to explain how views on Xanthippe as a wife and Socrates as a husband were verified in modern times, i.e., how the defence of a woman considered the most unbearable in ancient Greece looked like. Four texts served as the most representative examples: Ch.M. Wieland’s short essay on Xanthippe, E. Zeller’s essay entitled Zur Ehrenrettung der Xanthippe and S. Pawlicki’s the fictitious defence speech of Ksantypa (titled The Apology Xanthippe), and L.H. Morstin’s comedy The Apology Xanthippe. It should be emphasized that the above-mentioned writers and researchers of antiquity were clearly influenced by their predecessor.

Author Biography

Anna Marchewka, Uniwersytet Gdański

Dr hab. Anna Marchewka, prof. UG – classical philologist, Hellenist; associate professor; Deputy Director for Student Affairs and Education at the Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies (University of Gdansk). Her research focuses mainly on the Greek literature of the archaic and classical period, above all on the Homeric epics, on the Histories of Herodotus, and on the works of Xenophon. Selected publications: Homerycki język Herodota (Homeric Language of Herodotus), Gdańsk 2002; Słowo i gest. Herodotowa sztuka portretowania (Word and Gesture. Herodotus’ Art of Portrayal), Gdańsk 2010; Ktezjasz z Knidos: fragmenty w Excerpta Constantiniana (Ctesias of Cnidus: Fragments in Excerpta Constantiniana), Gdańsk 2019; Ksenofont w Listach Pseudo-Ksenofonta oraz w fikcyjnych listach Sokratesa i sokratyków (Xenophont in Pseudo-Xenophont’s letters and fictional letters of Socrates and socratics), “Roczniki Humanistyczne” 68, 3 (2020).


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How to Cite

Marchewka, A. (2023). Modern Attempts to Rehabilitate Socrates’ Wife by Christoph Martin Wieland, Eduard Zeller, and in the Apology of Xanthippe by Stefan Pawlicki and in the Apology of Xanthippe by Ludwik Hieronim Morstin. Collectanea Philologica, (26), 243–255.

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