A Poem “To a Friend” from the Collection “Carmina Rivipullensia” – a Voice in the Discussion on Translations of Medieval Latin Poetry





Carmina Rivipullensia, The Songs of Ripoll, Ad amicam, Medieval love lyric, translation, Translation Studies


The article is a voice in the discussion on contemporary translations of medieval Latin poetry: accepted and possible ways of translating Latin poetry for todayʼs readers, situated within the field of translation studies and poetics – it is part of the research on the reception of the ancient tradition, of which translations are a particular manifestation. The subject of interest is a poem from the medieval collection Carmina Rivipullensia: the only existing collection of Latin love lyric of the Middle Ages from Spain. It testifies to the very lively presence of the Latin poetic tradition in the Iberian Peninsula at that time.
This article presents a translatorʼs proposal, accompanied by a commentary, in which arguments for the chosen solutions are indicated. The aim of the article is to present the translatorʼs ideas, mainly concerning the chosen strategy for the translation of the rhymes in Latin medieval poetry, which are an important feature of the Songs.

Author Biography

Maria Judyta Woźniak, University of Łódź

Assistant Professor at the Chair of Spanish Philology of the University of Lodz, at the Department of Spanish Language Literature. A master’s degree in Romance, Polish and Classical philology, the doctoral thesis at the University of Warsaw in 2014. Academic interests: translation studies, poetry, comparative literature studies. Her achievements include among others an original monograph W poszukiwaniu harmonii istnienia. Studium porównawcze poezji Antonia Colinasa i Zbigniewa Herberta (2020), scientific articles on the litanic verse on the Iberian Peninsula, editing, in cooperation with Adriana Grzelak-Krzymianowska, of a monograph volume Rzym a Półwysep Iberyjski. Różnorodność relacji od starożytności po współczesność (2019), translations of literary and scientific texts.


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How to Cite

Woźniak, M. J. (2022). A Poem “To a Friend” from the Collection “Carmina Rivipullensia” – a Voice in the Discussion on Translations of Medieval Latin Poetry. Collectanea Philologica, (25), 73–82. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-0319.25.05