The activity of the Presidium of the District People’s Council in Przatów (1954–1961)




Przatów, district (gromada), people’s councils


The Community People’s Council in Przatów was formed in consequence of the administrative reform carried out in 1954. The community, introduced as the smallest unit of administrative division, comprised the villages of Dziadkowice, Mostki, Piaski, Przatów and Remiszew. The Council implemented its resolutions through the presidium, which was a collegial executive and managing body. The competences of the district authority included the passing of annual district budget, approving and recalling village leaders, organizing the purchase of livestock and agricultural produce, collecting of taxes, matters connected with organization of field work, construction of roads and education. All through the time of the existence of the District People’s Council in Przatów, Mieczysław Bryl was the chairman of its Presidium. The community was abolished on 31 December 1961.


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How to Cite

Stulczewski, J. (2023). The activity of the Presidium of the District People’s Council in Przatów (1954–1961). Biuletyn Szadkowski, 23, 55–68.




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