Ownership Transformations of State-owned Enterprises with Special Consideration of Direct Privatisation in Poland in the Years 2004-2008


  • Marzena Papiernik-Wojdera University of Łódź
  • Agnieszka Matuszewska-Pierzynka University of Łódź




The main goal of this article is defining the present state of the process of ownership transformations in Polish state-owned enterprises and progress in this process during the last five years. The main research hypothesis formulated in the article was verified by means of an analysis of data published by the Central Statistical Office concerning the number of state-owned enterprises covered by ownership transformations. The accepted scope of this article encompassed: concepts, objectives and methods of ownership transformation in Polish state-owned enterprises, as well as different issues connected with direct privatization by means of passing state-owned enterprises for use against payment to employee-owned companies.


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How to Cite

Papiernik-Wojdera, M., & Matuszewska-Pierzynka, A. (2011). Ownership Transformations of State-owned Enterprises with Special Consideration of Direct Privatisation in Poland in the Years 2004-2008. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 13(5), 67–85. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10103-010-0004-9


