Problemy wiejskie w systemie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego w ujęciu geopolitycznym


  • Paweł Dzieciński



In the present full of dangers and threats world one attach great significance to the public safety question. Until recently we seemed, that the developed countries are the oasis of peace and safety. The acts of terrorism in New York, Madrid and London proved, that this opinion was wrong. It turned out too, that not only terrorist are dangerous for the political system.

The social unrest in EU countries showed, that domestic security of a country may be endangered too. The violent clashes between the demonstrators and the police in Greece and the financial crisis in Spain and Portugal are the serious warning. The country terrains are the special areas in internal security question. A history demonstrate that in the part on the country lands broke out of the revolts. These revolts was different as revolts in cities. It arise because of geographical and social factors.

The country revolts broke out always in critical and hopeless for country peoples situations. If these revolts spread the more extensive areas then took on a pulsating character. The revolt centers relocated to another places and at previous places the revolt came to end. As a result these revolts wasn’t hazardous for the political system. It was otherwise, if the revolt threatened to a main political centre. Today the situation is altered. The technological development a town with countryside. The recent events in Arabic countries and Greece establish that for the safety contemporary state very dangerous are the subversive of the different populists.


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Jak cytować

Dzieciński, P. (2012). Problemy wiejskie w systemie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego w ujęciu geopolitycznym. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 17, 157–173.


