Folklorystyka online w świetle problematyki dziedzictwa digitalnego
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digitalizacja, folklor, niematerialne dziedzictwo kulturowe.Abstrakt
In the digital age the notion of intangible cultural heritage has modern connotations that give the term new meanings and approaches. According to UNESCO and the EU authorities the “new” heritage needs to be safeguarded and protected as well as old resources inherited from generations. That is why a new folkloristics faces an interdisciplinary “digital turn”. The author presents the results of digitization process undertaken by major European folklore archives. But new archives need new materials (e.g. e-folklore vs. digital folklore) collected by new folklorists. The expansion of folklore field work towards digitally mediated environment and virtual reality is easy to be observed. Therefore, new methods of digital folklore collecting as well as new tools of research and documentation are challenges of the digital folkloristics.
V. Krawczyk-Wasilewska, Th. Meder, A. Ross, Shaping Virtual Lives.Online Identities, Representations, and Conducts, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2012.
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Patrz: R. Järv, Estonian Folklore Archives, „Oral Tradition” 2013, 28/2, s. 291–298.
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K. Kulasalu, Estonian Folklore, Cultural History and Literature in a Digital Form: The File Repository and Archival Information System Kivike, „Folklore” (Electronic Journal of Folklore) 2015, t. 60, nr 4, s. 141.
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A. Polymerou-Kamilaki, Archive Digitization at the Hellenic Folklore Research Centre of the Academy of Athens, [w:] M. Tsipopoulou (red.), Digital Heritage in the New Knowledge Environment: Shared spaces & Open Paths to Cultural Content (Proceedings of the International Conference held in Athens 31.10.08–02.11.08), Atheny 2008, s. 25–28.
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R.Th. Christiansen, The Migratory Legends. A Proposed List of Types with a Systematic Catalogue of the Norwegian Variants, FF Communications Nr 175, Helsinki 1958.
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V. Krawczyk-Wasilewska, e-Folklore in the Age of Globalization, „Fabula. Journal of Folktale Studies” 2006, t. 47, nr 3/4, s. 248–254.
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