Design of Ex-Libris to Face Identity Problems in the Teaching Community



Mots-clés :

education, teacher education, art education, design, visual literacy


This research establishes the need to train primary school teachers in visual literacy. It initiated from an exploratory study which analyzed the learning process of pupils in order to evaluate the educational possibilities of visual culture, using a case study as methodology, and Arts-Based Educational Research which involved one hundred university students. The objective was to evaluate the benefits of using a creative arts workshop aimed at future primary school teachers, integrating issues of identity and social themes. Among the outcomes, what stands out is the motivation of the students for the use of graphic design, given that each student was able to create their own ex-libris (book-plate). We work to support the encouragement of future teachers’ creativity.

Biographie de l'auteur

Ricard Huerta, Universitat de València

Ricard Huerta, PhD – artist and Full Professor of Art Education in the University of Valencia (Spain). He is a regular member at the Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovation, and member of InSEA and ICOM. Head director of the Research Journal EARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigación. Director of the master-studies program “Art Education and Museums” (University of Valencia). Director of Museari Graduate in Fine Arts, in Music, and Communication. Head of the international project Women Teacher. Invited researcher in universities of France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Cuba, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Portugal, Paraguay and Chile. He has coordinated several publications and activities inside the areas of Visual Arts, Education, ICT and Museums. Head of the project “Dechados Inclusive creativity in secondary school”. Member of the Seminar on Gender and Sexual Diversity of the Museums of Catalonia. He has published books and articles in specialized journals, having coordinated numerous publications within the field of art, education, educator training, heritage and museums. Letters and alphabets are a relevant aspect of his work both at an educational level and artistic creation. He has presented exhibitions with themes heavily impregnated by typography and calligraphy in different countries. He has directed twelve international seminars on research in art education and six international congress.


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Comment citer

Huerta, R. (2024). Design of Ex-Libris to Face Identity Problems in the Teaching Community. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 18(1), 93–113.