The Factors Influencing Sports Talent Development in the Opinion of Rhythmic Gymnastics Coaches



Mots-clés :

sports talent, talent development, rhythmic gymnastics, coaches


The purpose of this study was to investigate how rhythmic gymnastics coaches perceive the factors influencing sports talent development. Participants (30 female coaches) were administered a demographic survey, an open-ended questionnaire (a structured interview), and the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ PL). Mixed strategies (quantitative and qualitative) were used in the analysis. The research revealed two types of facilitators (essential vs. favorable), and two types of inhibitors (preclusive vs. disruptive). Within the essential facilitator factors, coaches most often indicated long-term motivation. Social support was perceived as a main favorable talent development factor. The child’s inadequate approach to training and inadequate parental involvement were indicated as the main preclusive talent development factors. Difficult situations (e.g., health problems) were enumerated as a major disruptive factor. The studied group of coaches recognized the Individualized Approach to Athlete (M=4.24) as the most important environmental factor that positively influences the development of talented athletes.

Biographie de l'auteur

Małgorzata Siekańska, University of Physical Education in Krakow

Małgorzata Siekańska – Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Physical Education in Krakow. Her research interests focus on the developmental and psychosocial factors affecting sport performance and long-term participation. She has published articles on sports talent development, elite athletes’ performance optimization and career development. She is a member of the Sport Psychology Section of the Polish Psychological Association, the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), and the European Federation of Sport Psychology FEPSAC. As a certified sport psychologist, she cooperates with athletes representing different disciplines (e.g., chess, tennis, rhythmic gymnastics).


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Comment citer

Siekańska, M. (2023). The Factors Influencing Sports Talent Development in the Opinion of Rhythmic Gymnastics Coaches. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 16(1), 108–125.