Being a Great-Grandmother. The Meaning of a Role in Life for an Elderly Person – a Case Study




great-grandmotherhood, intergenerational solidarity, emotional wellbeing, case study


The knowledge about seniors’ experiences resulting from being a great-grandmother or a great-grandfather is still relatively small. In the presented paper, the author has attempted to fill this gap, at least in part, based on the study of the individual experiences of an elderly person. The objective of the study was to recognize and understand the experiences and reflections of an individual performing the role of great-grandmother.

Author Biography

Aleksandra Litawa, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie

Litawa, Aleksandra – doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. She specializes in social pedagogy and andragogy. Areas of study: informal learning of adults, participation in culture and cultural education of adults in the informal and non-formal dimension, amateur artistic activity of adults.


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How to Cite

Litawa, A. (2020). Being a Great-Grandmother. The Meaning of a Role in Life for an Elderly Person – a Case Study. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 10(1), 189–201.