Young People in Crisis – the Experience of Being Neglected Among Adolescents as a Neglected Area of Theory and Research




neglect, adolescents, emotional crisis


Experiencing violence from parents (being neglected is a form of violence as well) may contribute to a serious emotional crisis affecting positive development in adolescence and limiting the ability to cope with developmental tasks. Unfortunately, there are still doubts concerning a proper definition of neglect of young people. Available data indicate that neglect of teenagers should be distinguished from neglect of younger children because of differences in the needs of these age groups and, consequently, because of differences in parents’ behaviours which support their development and which are a threat to young people’s needs being met. Analysis of available literature reveals a gap in the knowledge about the occurrence of neglect of young people as well as its causes and consequences.

Author Biography

Barbara Jankowiak, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych, Pracownia Promocji Zdrowia i Psychoterapii

Jankowiak Barbara – employed at the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań as University Professor, pedagogue, psychologist, therapist. Her scientific interests focus on psychological and pedagogical aid, quality and permanence of civil law partnerships, psycho-sociological functioning of teenagers, and socio-therapy. For many years, she worked as a therapist in a private clinic, in a children’s home, and in a care and educational home for girls.


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How to Cite

Jankowiak, B. (2020). Young People in Crisis – the Experience of Being Neglected Among Adolescents as a Neglected Area of Theory and Research. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 9(2), 73–86.