On the Need of a Master in the World of Science: A Reflection on the Master-Student Relationship





craftsman, master, conjugated careers, coherence of the classification system, group structure


The article is an attempt at a reconstruction of master-student relationships which are constructed in the area of science. That analysis is based on the conceptions of Richard Sennett (craftsman and master) and Mary Douglas (grid and group). It presents a characterization of four different types of relationships that was created in the presence or absence of common paradigmatic foundations (coherent tools of categorizing the examined reality) and structural dependencies (regarding material resources, laboratory equipment, etc.) which can be referred to specific areas of knowledge. The paper also draws attention to the diverse needs of the masterstudent relationship in the natural sciences and also social sciences and humanities, as well as underlining possible consequences in this dimension caused by the principles of parameterization of scientific activity.


Author Biography

Tomasz Leszniewski, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Socjologii

Leszniewski Tomasz – assistant professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University Institute of Sociology. He deals with issues of identity in contemporary society and meta-reflection on the development of a sub-disciple of sociology – the sociology of education. He recently published the book "Od indywidualizmu do indywidualności?
Teoretyczna analiza zjawiska" (2017).


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How to Cite

Leszniewski, T. (2019). On the Need of a Master in the World of Science: A Reflection on the Master-Student Relationship. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 8(1), 22–33. https://doi.org/10.18778/2450-4491.08.03