Douglas Barnes re-read...
constructivism, information and communication technologies, interdisciplinary educational projects, interactive learning modelAbstract
Douglas Barnes addresses the problem of developing a culture of communication in the classroom. The main message of the publication is that “Speech enables us to direct thinking”. The author, repeating after Edward Sapir, attributes the ability to generate new meanings to speech (1985), and quoting Lew Vygotsky (1962) presents speech as a tool for directing activity and explaining the world. Language allows reflection since it allows us to present our observations and conclusions in such a way that we can look at them as available modifications in the light of our key objectives (Cook-Gumperz 1973). Information technology opens today possibilities that facilitate a wide application of the ideas proclaimed by Barnes and Bruner, and the trend of critical constructivism represented by Dylak (2013), Wojciechowski, and Cellary (2013) is an opportunity to give Polish school modern teaching and openness to educating graduates who will be able to find themselves and function in the future, unknown, digital world.
Barnes D. (1988) Nauczyciel i uczniowie. Od porozumiewania się do kształcenia, tłum. J. Radzicki, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne.
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Bruner J. S. (1971) W poszukiwaniu teorii nauczania, tłum. E. Krasińska, Warszawa, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
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Cook-Gumperz J. (1973) Social Control and Socialisation: A study of class differences in the language of maternal control, Oxford, Routledge, Kegan.
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Dylak S. (2000) Konstruktywizm jako obiecująca orientacja w kształceniu nauczycieli, w: Współczesność a kształcenie nauczycieli, (red.) H. Kwiatkowska, T. Lewowicki, S. Dylak, Warszawa, Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego.
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Dylak S. (2013) Architektura wiedzy w szkole, Warszawa, Difin.
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Sapir E (1985) Selected Writings in Language, Culture and Personality, Berkeley, University of California Press.
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Kelly G. A. (1963) A Theory of Personality, New York, W. W. Norton.
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Piaget J. (1969) Generic Epistemology, New York, Columbia University Press.
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Wojciechowski R., Cellary W. (2013) Evaluation of learners’ Attitude toward learning in ARIES Augmented Reality Environments, “Computers and Education”, 68: 570–585.
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Vygotski L. S. (1962) Thought and Language, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.
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