The Community-Building Potential of Street Art: Ephemeral Communities Formed Around Ephemeral Art




street art, graffiti, art in public space, art and communities


The article analyzes the phenomenon of street art in the context of its impact on the creation of local or global communities of both creators and audiences. It takes into consideration various forms of expression such as graffiti, community murals, or interventions by individual artists. It examines to what extent the communities formed around artistic activities are lasting and cohesive. Graffiti, as a form of art typical of the hip-hop subculture, represents expressions by groups that are closed and anonymous for the majority of society. Despite strong connections, these groups are usually temporary and may disband after the completion of specific projects. Other forms of street art are typically created by individual artists seeking to develop a unique style. Open, global networks of enthusiasts, activists, and organizations form around them, with the internet and social media serving as platforms used to maintain the connection between artists and their audience. Some street artists (e.g. JR or Swoon) are particularly sensitive to social issues and contribute to forming and sustaining local communities through their creations, even if they do not necessarily belong to them. A specific form of street art are community murals commissioned by a community to enhance its identity and cohesion. Street art and graffiti, therefore, have the ability to create communities on various levels, even despite their informal and ephemeral nature.

Author Biography

Agnieszka Gralińska-Toborek, University of Lodz

Agnieszka Gralińska-Toborek – graduate in history and art history from the University of Lodz, has an extensive academic and research background. She began her career as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aesthetics and the Department of Ethics at the University of Lodz. Currently, she holds the position of professor at the University of Lodz in the Department of History of Painting and Sculpture. She is the author of numerous articles on aesthetics and art theory and has also written the book Graffiti and Street Art: Word, Image, Action. Additionally, she is a co-author of the book Experience of Art in Urban Space: Urban Forms Gallery 2011-2013, which is a qualitative research report supported by funding from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. In addition to her academic work, Dr. Agnieszka Gralińska-Toborek has conducted workshops for children and young people as part of the “MURA LOVE GRY” project, funded by the Orange Foundation. She also leads sessions for children, young people with disabilities, and individuals aged 60+ as part of the “Łódź Art in the Context of European Art: Excluded/Included” grant project, which is carried out as part of the NCBiR competition.


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How to Cite

Gralińska-Toborek, A. (2024). The Community-Building Potential of Street Art: Ephemeral Communities Formed Around Ephemeral Art. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 18(1), 80–92.