Educational Culture of the City: What is Taught by Global Urbanism




educational culture of the city, global urbanism, neoliberalism, school


Living in the city, in physical proximity among its inhabitants, results in mutual influences which generate certain knowledge, attitudes, behavioral dispositions, habits and rituals, the specificity of which is referred to as culture of the city. Educational culture of the city makes a part of this culture. Its structure and its processes can be investigated and developed, and this text presents possibilities of such research and development. The analyses presented here focus on a global city managed in a neoliberal way. Comprehending it as Foucauldian dispositif, one can notice strategic assemblages of social phenomena forming specific apparatuses of power and knowledge in relation to education. Speaking of educational culture of the city as a separate category proves theoretically viable and can be productive both internally, as an element of its specific educational thought, and as a tool for broader reflection on contemporary cities, their cultures and problems. This article aims to justify such an approach.

Author Biography

Maria Mendel, Uniwersytet Gdański, Zakład Pedagogiki Społecznej

Prof. dr hab., Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy at the Institute of Pedagogy of the University of Gdansk. The recent publications thematically related to the content of the article include: Tożsamość gdańszczan. Budowanie na (nie)pamięci (Identity of the Inhabitants of Gdańsk. Building on the (non)Memory) (with A. Zbierzchowska (ed.), 2010), Miasto jak wspólny pokój. Gdańskie modi co-vivendi [City Like a Shared Room. Gdańsk’s modi co-vivendi] (ed., 2015), Miasto pedagogiczne (Pedagogical City) (vol. 69 of Pedagogical Studies (ed.), 2016).


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How to Cite

Mendel, M. (2016). Educational Culture of the City: What is Taught by Global Urbanism. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 3(2), 79–96.