Women in Chess. Family-Related Problems in the Process of Talent Development
family problems, talent development process, female chess players, female chess grandmastersAbstract
The goal of the analyses presented in the article was to discover the issues connected to the family of origin, which the Polish female chess grandmasters were dealing with during the process of talent development, meaning the time they were achieving the highest female chess title. The method used in the research were in-depth, unstructured, qualitative interviews. The research tool guide was prepared on the basis of Françoys Gagné’s Comprehensive Model of Talent Development (CMTD). The statements of the 14 researched female chess grandmasters underwent qualitative analysis, which demonstrated that nearly all of them experienced difficulties related with their families of origin. Two types of problems were identified: general, resulting from the condition of the family, professed values, or attitudes (financial and time-related family problems, parents’ incompatible attitudes towards practicing chess, lack of support from one of the parents, a sense of “playing for the father,” general unfavorable household atmosphere), as well as those relating to chess as a sport (pressure for good results, obligation to train, and practicing with a specific coach, not understanding sport-related aspects).
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Funding data
Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Grant numbers nr rej. 2018/02/X/HS6/01438