Helena Radlińska’s “Invisible Environment” – the Contemporary Potential of the Category





invisible environment, the tacit dimensions of education, the complexity of education, criticism of metaphysics, symbolic culture, humanistic inspirations in education


The article is an attempt to examine the semantic potential of the concept of the invisible environment used by Helena Radlińska. Using various concepts and tropes present in the pedagogical tradition and in contemporary humanities, the author tries to answer the question: What dimensions of experience does pedagogical thinking open to when we use the category of an invisible environment? This study was performed in the following few steps. First, the author recalls the original context of the concept located in American social work. Then he traces the semantic shifts in the use of the term invisible environment in Radlińska’s work. At the same time, he reconstructs and argumentatively strengthens the cultural and metaphysical context of this category. In the next step, he recalls the categories functioning in pedagogical literature, among others: invisibility, hiding, noiselessness. An important part of the text is the search for the concept of invisibility (and its synonyms) in contemporary humanities. It turns out that pedagogy can benefit from the clues contained in the works of Charles Taylor, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Mikhail Bakhtin, Michael Oakeshott, Jacques Rancière, Michael Polanyi, Hans-Georg Gadamer and others. In the end, the author refers to the typology of aspects of the invisible environment by Lech Witkowski and tries to enrich it with new elements.

Author Biography

Krzysztof Maliszewski, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Krzysztof Maliszewski – pedagogue, habilitated doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, university professor, employed at the Institute of Pedagogy of the University of Silesia in Katowice. In 2015–2019, head of the Department of Fundamentals of Pedagogy and History of Education at the University of Silesia. In the years 2019–2021, he was the editor-in-chief of the journal “Chowanna”. His research interests concern: pedagogy of culture, philosophical pedagogy (especially axiological and anthropological aspects of education), history of pedagogical thought and hermeneutic foundations of the humanities. He recently published Istota, sens i uwarunkowania (wy)kształcenia [The Essence, Sense and Conditions of Education] (with D. Stępkowski and B. Śliwerski, Kraków 2019), Bez-silna edukacja. O kształceniu kruchego [Powerless Education. On Educating the Fragile] (2021). Co-editor of the 12-volume interdisciplinary publishing series “Medium Mundi”, which was published in 2005–2016.


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How to Cite

Maliszewski, K. (2022). Helena Radlińska’s “Invisible Environment” – the Contemporary Potential of the Category. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 15(2), 54–72. https://doi.org/10.18778/2450-4491.15.04