Transform Perceptions before Taking Action




crisis, transformation, perception, preparing for action, activity


Perceptual transformations are both products of interaction and tools for interaction. Changes in perceptions and perceptual frameworks contribute to the construction of new possible activities. The actors have new frameworks ready to act in their environment “here and now” but also for “tomorrow and elsewhere”. Engaged in situations of crisis, uncertainty, perceptive transformations mobilize. Our study “Preparing for collective bargaining action” sheds light on how actors are built to anticipate the pressure inherent in the uniqueness of this situation. An anthropological approach to activities allows the analysis of the interaction of the actors present. Emerges “conversational movements” highlighting the process of transformations of activities and transformations of actors in activity. Ruptures, joints and continuums are identified. The results show a categorization of transformation activities.

Author Biography

Marie Jasmine Hyppolite, HESAM Université – Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers ; Chaire Unesco – ICP, Paris, France

Hyppolite Marie Jasmine, PhD in adult education, is passionate about social sciences. Born on Reunion Island (French department in the Indian Ocean). Her studies in economics, politics, law and education led her to teaching positions in secondary and higher education. As a trainer for adults, she questions how actors are preparing to negotiate opening up a new field of research on “preparing for action”.


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How to Cite

Hyppolite, M. J. (2021). Transform Perceptions before Taking Action. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 13(2), 124–144.