All Education is Spiritual and Ergo Homeschooling is Resurging


  • Brian D. Ray National Home Education Research Institute Salem, Oregon, USA



homeschooling, home education, spirituality, public school, private school


All education is spiritual and ergo homeschooling is resurging. Parent-directed, family- and home-based private education schooling – that is, homeschooling – is millennia old and has experienced a notable renascence around the world during the past 40 years. With respect to homeschooling, “Parent-directed means the parents have deliberately chosen to take responsibility for the education of their children, controlling both the education process and the curriculum (course of study). Family-based means the center of educational gravity is the home, with other resources being secondary” (, 2020). One of the key reasons that home education is growing is that more parents and more of the general public are recognizing that all education of children deals with values, beliefs, and, ultimately, an overall worldview (Weltanschauung). Because worldview is a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world, especially from a specific standpoint, it is, de facto, spiritual. This paper shows that all education and schooling is the teaching, training, and indoctrination of children, that the worldwide rebirth of home education came with a focus on spirituality, that empirical evidence shows that all education is spiritual and spirituality is motivating many homeschoolers, and, finally, that scholarly theoretical arguments against homeschooling involve the spiritual.

Author Biography

Brian D. Ray, National Home Education Research Institute Salem, Oregon, USA

Ray, Brian D. – He holds a B.Sc. in biology from the University of Puget Sound, an M.Sc. in zoology from Ohio University, and a Ph.D. in science education from Oregon State University. Is president of the National Home Education Research Institute ( and internationally known for his research on homeschooling (home education). He has published many peer-reviewed articles, chapters, and books across 37 years. Dr. Ray serves as an expert witness in courts and legislatures, and is a former professor of science and education at undergraduate and graduate levels and classroom teacher in public and private schools.


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How to Cite

Ray, B. D. (2021). All Education is Spiritual and Ergo Homeschooling is Resurging. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 12(1), 244–259.