Editorial Team

Editorial Staff of the Journal “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies”

Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka - Editor-in-chief  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Elżbieta Kowalska-Dubas - Deputy Editor-in-chief  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Google Scholar  
Piotr Soszyński - Editorial Assistant  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Google Scholar Academia.edu
Eleonora Bielawska-Batorowicz  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Katarzyna Gajek  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Scopus  
Mariusz Granosik  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Marcin Kafar  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Scopus Academia.edu
Krzysztof Szmidt  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Renata Szczepanik  University of Lodz,  Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar


Katarzyna Soszyńska (stylistic and linguistic editing, proofreading, typesetting, DTP)
Jędrzej Burszta (translation and proofreading in English)
Grażyna Karbowska (translation and proofreading in French)
Jadwiga Izabela Gawłowska (translation and proofreading in German)
Gabriela Dobińska (promotion)

Editorial Board of the Journal "Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies"

Jean Marie Barbier  Professeur émérite du CNAM; Chaire Unesco-ICP, Paris, France ORCID Scopus  
Oldřich Chytil  Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Czech Rep. ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Marek Czyżewski  University of Lodz, Poland ORCID Scopus  
Dariusz Doliński  SWPS University, Wrocław, Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Günther Graßhoff  Universität Hildesheim, Germany ORCID Scopus  
Iwona Janicka  University of Lodz, Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Tomasz Jarmużek  Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland  ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Dariusz Kubinowski  University of Sczecin, Poland ORCID    
Françoise F. Laot  Université de Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Paris, France ORCID Scopus  
Philippe Maubant  Université de Sherbrooke, Montréal, Canada Scopus Google Scholar  
Maria Mendel  University of Gdańsk, Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Grzegorz Michalski  University of Lodz, Poland ORCID    
Anna Rurka  Universite Paris Nanterre, Paris, France ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Sabina Siebert  University of Glasgow, UK ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Tomasz Szkudlarek  University of Gdańsk, Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Bogusław Śliwerski  University of Lodz, Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar
Danuta Urbaniak-Zając  University of Lodz, Poland ORCID Google Scholar  
Max Urchs  EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, Germany Scopus    
Antonin Wagner  Emeritus Professor of Management at the New School for Public Engagement, New York, USA Scopus    
Michael Winkler  Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany ORCID Scopus  
Lech Witkowski  Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Poland ORCID Scopus Google Scholar