Lease and sale of real estate by natural persons with respect to business activity as stipulated in the provisions of the Act on income tax from natural persons in the light of judicial decisions




lease of real estate, sale of real estate, sources of revenues, business activity


For years the issue regarding qualification of revenues from the lease and sale of real estate as an appropriate source of revenues has been the subject matter of considerations in the judicial decisions of administrative courts. The structure of provisions in the act on the income tax from natural persons defining a catalogue of sources of revenues subject to taxation under this tax makes it difficult to indicate the precise premises which should be taken into account when evaluating in which cases revenues from the lease and sale of real property should be classified as a source of revenues such as non-agricultural business activities. The content of the definition of business activity formulated in this act also does not make it easier to determine such premises.


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2023-05-30 — Updated on 2023-06-22


How to Cite

Miernik, A. (2023). Lease and sale of real estate by natural persons with respect to business activity as stipulated in the provisions of the Act on income tax from natural persons in the light of judicial decisions. Tax Law Quarterly, (2), 69–96. (Original work published May 30, 2023)




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