UN and the future of the global tax order
OECD, UN, international taxation, global tax orderAbstract
While examining the sources of global solutions regarding taxation, we can observe processes leading to the emergence of a non-state normative system in such area. This raises questions about the need to manage this phenomenon and about the features of the organization in charge of such a function. Until now, it has been primarily the OECD aspiring to this role. However, recent developments regarding attempts to tax e-commerce income has shown that this organization may face challenges in successfully lead discussed processes of tax globalization. At the same time, some UN initiatives were undertaken indicating that this organization may be interested in increasing its involvement in the area of taxation. This article seeks an answer to the question whether it would be possible to assume the role of a leader in process of setting up the global tax order by the United Nations and on what terms. The conclusion is a suggestion of possible cooperation between the UN and OECD based on the division of roles. In such division, the UN sets the directions of the global policy and the OECD would be responsible for developing technical side of the proposed solutions.
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