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The Interpretation of EU Tax Law as a Tool Ensuring Functioning of Internal Market in Light of CJEU Case Law




internal market, internal market functioning, tax law interpretation


The interpretation of the EU tax law in light of the CJEU case law forms the subject of the present analysis. Its focus centres on the argumentation pursuing an aim of ensuring the functioning of the internal market. The CJEU emphasizes the dynamic nature of the harmonization of the tax law and European integration in general. This determines that priority is given to the functional interpretation (purposive) of the EU tax law. It can be noted that the CJEU allows for axiological arguments that are relevant to the actual state of the internal market evolution. This is exemplified by an argumentation that relates to the situation of the participants of the market (taxable persons), including, for example, the need for simplifying their obligations or providing support to specific groups of entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Antonów, D. (2024). The Interpretation of EU Tax Law as a Tool Ensuring Functioning of Internal Market in Light of CJEU Case Law. Tax Law Quarterly, (2), 31–49.




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