Is shooting a sport? The outline of sport shooting in Poland as a subject matter of the sociology of sport




sport shooting, firearms, guns, social worlds, social practices, ethnography


The main goals of this text are to answer the question of whether sport shooting should be treated as a sport and to convince readers that shooting can be an interesting subject within the sociology of sport. Sport shooting is an activity that is dynamically developing and has engaged more and more people in recent years in Poland. The article presents the history and specificity of this sport discipline, including the presentation of the competition and the classification of people participating in the social world of shooters. The text also contains preliminary conclusions on social phenomena concerning the shooting environment and methodological considerations related to barriers occurring in the study of this environment.


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How to Cite

Zwarycz, P. A. (2020). Is shooting a sport? The outline of sport shooting in Poland as a subject matter of the sociology of sport . Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (75), 33–48.