American war movies. David Ayer’s Fury as mythologisation of war and soldiers


  • Marcin Kępiński Professor of the University of Łódź, with an advanced research degree (dr hab.), Chair of Cultural Anthropology, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Łódź, ul. Kolarska 46 m. 3, 94-131 Łódź



war, myth, popular culture, film protagonist


Both pop culture and modern Hollywood cinema are mainly intended for entertainment. American war films are not free from this vice. A researcher of culture should shun attempts to find hidden symbols, myths and flashes of meanings from distant traditional culture in such films. Contemporary popular mythologies do not represent the same mythical pattern that Eliade wrote about. Popular culture consists of ideas on various topics, borrowings, quotations and fragments of meanings, all patched together. In my view, however, Fury goes beyond pop culture and entertainment. After all, there is also good American war cinema and films that are not mindless borrowings or calques of carelessly patchworked pieces of pop culture. One can look at them and find certain cultural tropes and motifs known to specialists in humanities, such as an initiation journey, the symbolic language of eternal myths or archetypal figures of cultural heroes, all in a version transformed by popular culture, of course. The aim of my article is therefore to analyse David Ayer’s film from the perspective of a culture researcher who seeks cultural tropes and sources of the war hero myth in this cinematic work.


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How to Cite

Kępiński, M. (2020). American war movies. David Ayer’s Fury as mythologisation of war and soldiers. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (73), 21–36.