Single people in Poland and Brazil on social isolation: living situations
pandemic of COVID-19, single people, living solo, singlehood, singles, genderAbstract
This text is a report related to the quantitative data of the study “Single people in social isolation: a transnational study”. This research started in 2020 and aims to understand, from a gender perspective, how single people from Brazil and Poland experienced social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The research included single adults of both sexes who were not involved in a romantic relationship at that time. The study is exploratory, with quantitative methods, using questionnaires as instruments. In this text, we are going to present the profile of the participants in the Brazilian and Polish samples, seeking to describe from a gender and an intersectional perspective how single people lived in the first months of 2020 when the pandemic was recognised by some essential socio-demographic characteristics, living conditions, parenting, casual relationships.
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