Assessment of one’s own body and the health status of transgender people


  • Jonasz Wethacz Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Instytut Psychologii, Zakład Psychologii Wychowawczej i Psychologii Rodziny image/svg+xml



gender identity, transsexual, gender correction, physicality, health


Transsexualism is defined as a disturbance of gender identity, which is based on the discrepancy between mental sense of belonging to a particular gender and biological physique, sex by register, social, and legal. Since there is no method that would allow the matching of gender identity to the human body, the impact of healing-therapeutic focus is on the opposite treatment: adjusts physicality to that demonstrated gender identity. This indicates that transgender people are prisoners of their own bodies-transgender men suffer in the body of the female, transsexual women – in the male body, which often involves the rejection of his body, aversion to him, averse to external genitals. The process of gender reassignment takes place on many levels, including a multi-faceted diagnosis, a legal change of personal data, hormone treatment and surgery. Transgender people are exposed to many side effects of hormone treatment and post-operative complications. Also it indicates that medical gender reassignment process reduces the survival of a dozen to several dozen years. In this paper will be presented subjects of corporeality and the health of transgender people. The author will analyze the answers for the assessment of one’s own body and health status granted by 16 transgender people who participated in the study. They are the beginning of more extensive research on various aspects of gender identity disorders.


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How to Cite

Wethacz, J. (2015). Assessment of one’s own body and the health status of transgender people. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (55), 111–125.